Scottie Stephens


ScottieScottie started  in the glass  industry in 1986,  through his years in  the glass business Scottie  has witnessed many changes.   Scottie’s career in the glass industry  started at Stroup Mirror Company and led  him to Machines and Wheels as a technician.  Scottie worked through the ranks and bought Machines  and Wheels in November of 2013. Scottie remains a hands-on  owner and is involved in all Facets of the business. Scotties,  unmatched technical knowledge keeps him in high demand and he can  still be found installing and servicing machinery, or on the phone talking  customers through a problem. Scotties knowledge helps him to teach and lead his  employees to be the best in the industry. In his spare time Scottie can be found  deer hunting with his family or working on his Nova.

“I have been on both sides of the fence. I have worked in manufacturing and now I am working in sales. So I know what my customers want and I strive to make sure that it happens.”